For participating researchers

- The research topic must be compatible with the conference topics mentioned above

- The deadline for receiving abstracts and CV is February 10, 2024

- Researchers will be notified of acceptance of abstracts on February 15, 2024

- Research is subject to review by the Scientific Committee

- The researcher is committed to ensuring that his article has not been previously published or participated in in another conference

- Please ensure that the number of article pages does not exceed 20 pages with a font size of 14

- The article papers participating in the conference will be published in a special issue in the Journal of ADAB AL-BASRAH and the Journal Bulletin of Geography, Physical Geography Series open access country Poland (Q1)


Linguistic Revision in Arabic

Dr. Kifaya Mathkur Shalash, College of Arts/ Department of Arabic Language

Dr. Dhifaf Nazim, College of Arts/ Department of Arabic Language


Send abstracts to email

to Dr. Mohammed Alasaidi

Mobile Phone (+964) 7764636186,   7700058443